Guidelines, “minimal requirements” and standard of care in glioblastoma around the Mediterranean Area: A report from the AROME (Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology of the Mediterranean arEa) Neuro-Oncology working party

Belkacemi Y, Bolle S, Bourdeaut F, Collin P, Cornu P, Delatre JY, Dhermain F, Doz F, Habrand JL, Hoang-Xuan K, Idbaih A, Mammar H, Martin-Duverneuil N, Mokhtari K, Roujeau T, Acharqui A, Atit Benali S, Bakhti S, Bena F, Bendjaafar N, Benider A, Bouaouina N, Bounedjar A, Boussen H, Bouyoucef K, Bouzid K, Chougai Z, Daoud J, Errihani […]