Integrating a palliative approach into the healthcare provided by the French-African Pediatric Oncology Group’s pilot units. Insights from a 3-year training program

Edan C (GFAOP), Yao A JJ (GFAOP), Hessissen L (GFAOP), Moreira C (GFAOP), Viallard ML, Poulain P, Calmanti S, Thinlot C (GFAOP), Aubier F (GFAOP), Douçot MS (GFAOP), Gagnepain-Lacheteau A (GFAOP), Patte C (GFAOP)

Arch Pediatr.  2021; 28,166-172 : PMID: 33446430 ; DOI: 10.1016/j.arcped.2020.12.002


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