The COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid global response for children with cancer from SIOP, COG, SIOP-E, SIOP-PODC, IPSO, PROS, CCI, and St Jude Global

Sullivan M, Bouffet E (GFAOP), Rodriguez-Galindo C, Luna-Fineman S, Khan MS, Kearns P, Hawkins DS, Challinor J, Morrissey L, Fuchs J, Marcus K, Balduzzi A, Basset-Salom L, Caniza M, Baker JN, Kebudi R, Hessissen L (GFAOP), Sullivan R, Pritchard-Jones K

Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2020 Jul;67(7):e28409 ; Epub 2020 May 13 ; PMID : 3240092 ; DOI : 10.1002/pbc.28409. 


Pediatric Blood & Cancer


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