The feasibility of implementing Toronto childhood cancer stage guidelines and estimating the impact on outcome for childhood cancers in seven pediatric oncology units in sub-Saharan Africa. A study from the Franco-African Pediatric Oncology Group
Mallon B (GFAOP), Kaboré R, Couitchere L (GFAOP), Akonde FB (GFAOP), Rakotomahefa Narison ML, Budiongo A (GFAOP), Arsène Dackono T, Pondy A (GFAOP), Diedhiou F, Patte C(GFAOP), Steliarova-Foucher E, Clavel J Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2023 Sep 21:e30664. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37732944 ; DOI: 10.1002/pbc.30664 Pediatric Blood & Cancer Lire l’article
Implementing the WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer in Morocco: Survival study for the six indexed childhood cancers
Mechita NB, Cherkaoui S (GFAOP), Abousselham L, Benmiloud S, Kili A, El Kababri M (GFAOP), Maani K, Houdzi JE, Benajiba N, Madani A (GFAOP), Bennani M, Belakhel L, Bouffet E (GFAOP), Patte C (GFAOP), Harif M (GFAOP), Youbi M, Hessissen L (GFAOP) Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022 Oct;69(10):e29788 ; Epub 2022 Jul 7 ; PMID : […]
SIOP Strategy 2021-2025: Cure for more, care for all
Pritchard-Jones K, Challinor JM, Hunger SP, Sung L, Davidson A, Morrissey LK, Khan MS, Dalvi RB, Sullivan MJ, Hessissen L (GFAOP), Chantada GL, Kearns P, Frazier AL, Wollaert S, Laub T Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022 Jun;69(6):e29577 ; Epub 2022 Feb 15 ; PMID : 35166434 ; DOI : 10.1002/pbc.29577 Pediatric Blood & Cancer […]
Pediatric cancer care in Africa: SIOP Global Mapping Program report on economic and population indicators
Geel JA, Challinor J, Ranasinghe N, Myezo KM, Eyal KC, Aderounmu W, Davidson A, Pritchard-Jones K, Howard SC, Bouffet E (GFAOP), Hessissen L (GFAOP) Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021;68e29345 Pediatric Blood & Cancer Lire l’article
The Global COVID-19 Observatory and Resource Center for Childhood Cancer: A response for the pediatric oncology community by SIOP and St. Jude Global
Moreira DC (GFAOP), Sniderman E, Mukkada S, Chantada G, Bhakta N, Foster W, Avula M, Homsi MR, Faughnan L, Happ B, Andujar A, Sonnenfelt J, Dalvi R, Frazier AL, Hessissen L (GFAOP), Kearns PR, Luna-Fineman S, Moreno A, Saghir Khan M, Sullivan M, Devidas M, Santana V, Caniza M, Pritchard-Jones K, Rodriguez-Galindo C Pediatr Blood […]
The development of an international childhood cancer hospital register database in 13 African countries. A project of the French African Pediatric Oncology Group (GFAOP)
Mallon B (GFAOP), Kaboré R, Couitchere L (GFAOP), Akonde FB (GFAOP), Lukamba R (GFAOP), Dackono TA, Narison MLR, Khattab M (GFAOP), Pondy A (GFAOP), Fedhila Ben Ayed F, Budiongo AN (GFAOP), Guedenon K, Oberlin O (GFAOP), Patte C (GFAOP) Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022 Mar;69(3):e29464 ; Epub 2021 Dec 16 ; PMID : 34913572 ; DOI : 10.1002/pbc.29464. […]
Patient management in pediatric oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic: Report from francophone Africa
Traoré F (GFAOP), Couitchere L (GFAOP), Michon J, Hessissen L (GFAOP) Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2021 Jan;68(1):e28571 ; Epub 2020 Sep 2 ; PMID : 32881256 ; DOI : 10.1002/pbc.28571. Pediatric Blood & Cancer Lire l’article
The COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid global response for children with cancer from SIOP, COG, SIOP-E, SIOP-PODC, IPSO, PROS, CCI, and St Jude Global
Sullivan M, Bouffet E (GFAOP), Rodriguez-Galindo C, Luna-Fineman S, Khan MS, Kearns P, Hawkins DS, Challinor J, Morrissey L, Fuchs J, Marcus K, Balduzzi A, Basset-Salom L, Caniza M, Baker JN, Kebudi R, Hessissen L (GFAOP), Sullivan R, Pritchard-Jones K Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2020 Jul;67(7):e28409 ; Epub 2020 May 13 ; PMID : 3240092 ; DOI : […]
Patient management in pediatric oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic: Report from francophone Africa
Traoré F (GFAOP), Couitchere L (GFAOP), Michon J, Hessissen L (GFAOP) Pediatr Blood Cancer. Letter to the editor. 2020 Jan;68(1):e28571. Epub 2020 Sep 2.; DOI : 10.1002/pbc.28571 Pediatric Blood & Cancer Lire l’article
Treatment of retinoblastoma in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experience of the paediatric oncology unit at Gabriel Toure Teaching Hospital and the Institute of African Tropical Ophthalmology, Bamako, Mali
Traoré F (GFAOP), Sylla F (GFAOP), Togo B, Kamaté B, Diabaté K, Diakité AA, Diall H, Dicko F, Sylla M, Bey P (GFAOP), Desjardins L (GFAOP), Gagnepain-Lacheteau A (GFAOP), Coze C (GFAOP), Harif M (GFAOP), Doz F Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2018 Aug;65(8):e27101 ; Epub 2018 Apr 26 ; PMID : 29697190 ; DOI : 10.1002/pbc.27101 […]