The feasibility of implementing Toronto childhood cancer stage guidelines and estimating the impact on outcome for childhood cancers in seven pediatric oncology units in sub-Saharan Africa. A study from the Franco-African Pediatric Oncology Group

Mallon B (GFAOP), Kaboré R, Couitchere L (GFAOP), Akonde FB (GFAOP), Rakotomahefa Narison ML, Budiongo A (GFAOP), Arsène Dackono T, Pondy A (GFAOP), Diedhiou F, Patte C(GFAOP), Steliarova-Foucher E, Clavel J

Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2023 Sep 21:e30664. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37732944 ; DOI: 10.1002/pbc.30664 


Pediatric Blood & Cancer  


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