Treatment of retinoblastoma in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experience of the paediatric oncology unit at Gabriel Toure Teaching Hospital and the Institute of African Tropical Ophthalmology, Bamako, Mali

Traoré F (GFAOP), Sylla F (GFAOP), Togo B, Kamaté B, Diabaté K, Diakité AA, Diall H, Dicko F, Sylla M, Bey P (GFAOP), Desjardins L (GFAOP), Gagnepain-Lacheteau A (GFAOP), Coze C (GFAOP), Harif M (GFAOP), Doz F

Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2018 Aug;65(8):e27101 ; Epub 2018 Apr 26 ; PMID : 29697190 ; DOI : 10.1002/pbc.27101

Pediatric Blood & Cancer

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