Treatment of B-cell lymphoma with LMB modified protocols in Africa–report of the French-African Pediatric Oncology Group (GFAOP)

Harif M (GFAOP), Barsaoui S (GFAOP), Benchekroun S, Bouhas R, Doumbé P, Khattab M (GFAOP), Ladjaj Y, Moreira C (GFAOP), Msefer-Alaoui F (GFAOP), Patte C (GFAOP), Rakotonirina G, Raphael M (GFAOP), Raquin MA (GFAOP), Lemerle J (GFAOP)

Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2008 Jun;50 (6):1138-42 ; DOI : 10.1002/pbc.21452


Pediatric Blood & Cancer


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