Au congrès de la SIOP-Africa (4/8 juin, Johannesburg, Afrique du sud), une importante délégation du GFAOP sera présente pour présenter les travaux scientifiques du réseau dans le cadre de la prise en charge des enfants atteints d’un cancer dans l’une des 24 unités pilotes dans les 18 pays africains francophones.
16 médecins et infirmières/infirmiers présenteront des posters ou interviendront lors de plusieurs sessions orales.
Plusieurs de ces études ont été permises grâce à la collaboration avec les institutions sanitaires des pays (ministères de la Santé, programme de lutte contre le cancer.) et l’OMS, aux partenariats avec les organisations de la société civile et au soutien de nombreux partenaires au premier rang le programme My Child matters de la Foundation S.
Le Message de la présidente de la SIOP du Dr. Joyce Balagadde-Kambugu
Les présentations du GFAOP
Les posters GFAOP
- Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the management of children with cancer – Khalil El Bouchti
- Perspectives and Challenges Among Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Survey of Parents and Childrens Experiences at the Pediatric Hematology and Oncology center, Rabat. – Khalil El Bouchti
- Outpatient Management of Febrile Neutropenia in Pediatric Oncology: report from the pediatric hematology and oncology department of Rabat Morocco – Abdelmounim El Aoufi
- Outpatient Chemotherapy in padiatric oncology: a propspective study at pediatric hematology & oncology dpt rabat (marocco) – Abdelmounim El Aoufi
- Enhancing Work Life in Pediatric Oncology: A Comprehensive Evaluation and Improvement Study at a Moroccan pediatric oncology unit member of the francophone network (GFAOP) – Abdelmounim El Aoufi
- Assessment of the current data sources in the region of Dakar (Senegal) to institute population-based childhood cancer registration: a feasibility study from GFAOP – Brenda Mallon
- Predicting the cost of allogenic hematopoietic Stem-cell transplantation in Marocco (children hospital of Rabat) -Abdelmounim El Aoufi
- Optimizing data quality to evaluate treatment recommendations: multidisciplinary file reviews in GFA- NEPHRO 2020 study – Dr Fatou Binetou Diagne Akonde
- Advancing early childhood cancer diagnosis in Benin: a GFAOP initiative – Gille Bognon
- Securing medication circuit in oncology pediatry units in French speaking Africa. MAEva pilot program results – Line Couitchere
- Second Burkitt lymphoma (BL), about 15 cases observed in the pediatric oncology unit of CHU-YO in Burkina Faso – Chantal Bouda
- Determinants and consequences of diagnostic delay in childhood cancer: a study from the pediatric oncology unit in Benin -Gilles Bognon
- Impact of the GFAOP early diagnosis Program in Niger: about 40 cases of Nephroblastoma at the Niamey POCU – Aichatou Mahamadou
- Epidemiological and diagnostic aspects of pediatric cancers in Niger – Aichatou Mahamadou
Les présentations orales
- Contribution of multidisciplinarity in the management of retinoblastoma in paediatric oncology unit in Niamey, Niger – Aichatou Mahamadou
- 16 hospitals, 1 registry: preliminary results of the second GFAOP registry study; assessing changes in patient caracteristics, management and outcome – Brenda Mallon
- Empowering Pediatric Oncology: The GFAOP Early Diagnosis MOOC – Fatou Lama Dieye
- Therapeutic recommendations of the GFAOP for patients with Burkitt Lymphoma treated in sub-saharan pediatric oncology units : systematic data review – Rolande Kabore
- The characteristics of Hodgkin Lyphoma patients registered in French African paediatric oncology group (GFAOP) hospital based registry – Aissata Barry
- Integrated programme for the adoption of palliative care approach and capacity-building for health professionals in French-speaking African paediatric oncology units – Christine Edan
- Factors associated with the nutritional status of children undergoing pediatric oncology treatment at the university hospital center, Porto-Novo (CHUDOP) – Gilles Bognon
- Current situation of end of life in children & adolescent with cancer at the tertiary pediatric oncology unit – Aléine Budiongo Nzazi