Symposium :
Therapy for Burkitt lymphoma – HIC and LMICs. Organized by C Patte
St. Baldrick’s Lecture: Therapy for Burkitt lymphoma – HIC and LMICs. Organized by C Patte
Introduction: Burkitt Lymphoma: From Africa to the rest of the World and back to Africa ; C Patte
Abstracts :
- Abstracts presented by GFAOP’s members at the 54th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) ; Sept. 28 – Oct, 2022 ; Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022 Nov;69 Suppl 5:e29952 ; PMID: 36162053 ; DOI : 10.1002/pbc.29952.
Publications :
- PO022 / #1269. Epidemiological, clinical and biological aspects of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in sub Saharan Africa: experience of pediatric oncology unit in Dakar Senegal. Mame Diouf, Fatou Diagne, Ndiaye Awa, Abou Koundio, Fatimata Sall, Awa Toure, Diedhiou Francis, Mallon Brenda, Jean Michon, Leverger Guy. p S576
- PO092 / #1974. Impact of improving access to treatment in the management of retinoblastoma in Kinshasa university hospital. Aleine Budiongo, Jerome Badhoka, Nina Domo, Karim Assani, François Beya, Moïse Mvitu, René Ngiyulu, Jean Lambert Ehungu. p S606
- PO150 / #1630. Developing multidisciplinarity in pediatric oncology (po) is necessary to meet the WHO 2030 GICC target: experience of the French African group of pediatric oncology (GFAOP). Pierre Bey, Fatou Akonde, Line Couitchere, Lukamba Robert, Chantal Bouda, Claude Moreira, Jean Michon . p S630
Posters :
- EP245 / #1910. Retinoblastoma (RB) in Sub-Saharan Africa: a single tumor program to support RB multidisciplinary teams and improve cure rate in line with 2030 WHO objectives. Karim Assani, Fatoumata Sylla, Fousseyni Traore, Pascal Sirignano, Pierre Bey, Laurence Desjardins. p S261
- EP539 / #1683. Social support to decrease abandonment rate in LMICS : experience of My Child Matters program in the GFAOP pediatric unit in Senegal. Fatou Binetou Diagne, Mame Diouf, Ndiaye Awa, Catherine Patte, Anta Niang. p S397
- EP619 / #1619. Characteristic of children attending pediatric oncology units in 7 sub-Saharan African countries. Mallon Brenda, Rolande Kabore, Line Couitchere, Fatou Diagne, Tankélé Dackono, Mbolanirina Narison, Angèle Hermine Pondy Ongotsoyi, Aleine Budiongo, Eva Steliarova-Foucher, Jacqueline Clavel. p S433
- EP627 / #1359. Implementation of early diagnosis program for five childhood cancers in sub-Saharan Africa. A final report from GFAOP. Fatou Dieye, Mame Diouf, Jean Michon, S.Aimée Kissou, Aichatou Mahamadou, Aissata Barry, Line Couitchere. pS437
- EP650 / #1524. History and challenges of a young pediatric oncology unit in sub-Saharan Africa in a context of unsafety and covid-19 pandemic. Aimée Kissou, Saïdou Savadogo, Léa Zerbo, Mahamadi Nakoulma, Chantal Bouda, Sonia Kaboret, Rolande Kabore, Diarra Yé, Jean Michon. p 448
- EP702 / #826. Acute leukemias: diagnosis and classification challenge in low- middle income country (LMIC). Awa Toure, Fatimata Sall, Moussa Ndour, Abou Koundio, Abibatou Sall, Mame Diouf, Fatou Diagne, Macoura Gadji, Raphael Martine, Cherif Dial . p S471
- P114 / #1112. Nurses training in Morocco : report from the pediatric oncology department of Rabat. Malika Meskini,Y ounesLabrini, AminaKili, MariaElKababri, LeilaHessissen. p S549